TD & JKU research cooperation goes international

Trusted Decisions and JKU Linz presented their joint work at AMCIS 2018 in New Orleans.
“DECISION ENGINEERING IN CASE OF INTUITIVE DECISIONS”. Philipp Wicke from TD Trusted Decisions and Dr. David Rückel from Johannes Kepler University presented this exquisite and exciting topic at the conference in New Orleans. In their scientific paper, the two authors and Dr. Barbara Krumay from the JKU Linz address all decision-makers who not only want to make rational decisions, but also want to trust their intuition in order to make an intuitive decision.
The Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) takes place annually. It is considered one of the most authoritative conferences for presenting the widest variety of research by and for IS / IT academics. Each year, lectures and panel presentations are selected from over 700 submissions. The AMCIS procedures can be found in the permanent collections of libraries all over the world.
Interested parties have the opportunity to read the Completed Research Full Paper. We hope you enjoy this exciting read. And if you would like to discuss this with us, we would be delighted! Contact us via yvonne.wicke@trusteddecisions.com.