Digital transformation, data-driven decision-making, digital process optimization… these and many other buzzwords and topics have had a certain omnipresence over the last few years that hardly any company has been able to escape. But they also have something else in common: they all fall under the umbrella term “digitalization”.
Once a company has decided to invest in digitalization, it has taken the first big step in the right direction. The second important step is then to find the right employees for these digitalization projects and initiatives. People with the right know-how and the right mindset are few and far between. Active networking is the key to discovering them. That’s why we are proud of our partnership with the WIN alumni club!
Who is the WIN alumni club?
The WIN alumniclub is a lively network of female business informatics graduates from the JKU Linz. Its mission is to maintain and jointly promote the collaborative, creative and innovative spirit of the WIN program even after graduation. In addition to very “fresh” graduates, the members of the association, which was founded in February 2019, also include established business IT specialists from the earliest days of their studies.
Regardless of the final year, the WIN alumniclub offers a platform for networking between graduates, as well as with representatives from business and research, through events and digital channels. The aim of this community is to increase the visibility of the field of Information Systems (WIN for short) – but also the ongoing exchange between students, graduates, university representatives and companies.
Why does this partnership make sense?
Business IT specialists deal with all facets of digitalization in a wide variety of fields. Regardless of whether this involves the traditional use of ERP systems, the development of digitalization strategies or the application of machine learning, business informatics graduates have the technical and business know-how to design and implement such changes. This makes them the perfect specialists for the digital transformation of a company.
As a partner of the WIN alumni club, we support one of the most innovative and promising fields of study in Linz. In addition to the important networking with graduates, we also benefit from the informal exchange on new technologies and key trends in the field of digitalization. The WIN alumni club is constantly taking measures to ensure that the content of the course is future-proof and to attract new students to the course. We are therefore proud to be part of an initiative that is helping to produce the digitalization experts of tomorrow.
Parallel to our close cooperation with the JKU and in particular with the Institute for Information Systems and thus the active students, it was a logical step to also enter into a lively exchange with graduates and alumni. This interaction with the most diverse age groups is an absolute enrichment and broadens your own horizons time and time again.
Harald Strassmair
Managing Director, TD Trusted Decisions GmbH Wels
You can find out more about the WIN alumniclub and everything related to it at www.win-alumni.club, on Facebook or on Linkedin.