Software for risk management
A protective shield for your company.
In order to survive on the market in the long term and be successful, a company must also take risks. Corporate Planner Risk guides you through every step of the risk management process. You identify, assess, analyze, communicate, manage, review and document risks for your company. Rule out any threat to the existence of your company. With Corporate Planner Risk, you can stabilize your risk management and make good decisions faster.
Qualitative und quantitative Analyse von Risiken.
The risk manual as a means of communication.
Create individual risk manuals for department heads, specialist departments or an entire group with little effort. The risk manuals from Corporate Planner Risk enable you to establish a regulated communication system for risks. They provide the company management with a basis for discussions on the strategic orientation of the company.
KonTraG: Bestimmung zur Kontrolle und Transparenz.
Mithilfe von Corporate Planner Risk erfüllen Sie die Vorgaben des KonTraG. Das Gesetz verpflichtet Unternehmen zum Risikomanagement und stellt sicher, dass sie bestandsgefährdende Entwicklungen rechtzeitig identifizieren und Kommunikationsstrukturen entwickeln. Mit der Softwarelösung implementieren Aktiengesellschaften ebenso wie Unternehmen mit der Rechtsform GmbH und der GmbH & Co. KG ein Risikomanagementsystem.
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Corporate Planner Risk is the protective shield for your company - stabilize your risk management.