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Capital structure

Yvonne Wicke | 24. July 2024

The capital structure is a central concept in business administration and describes the composition of a company's total capital. It includes both equity and debt capital and plays a decisive role in the financial analysis and optimization of companies.

This article provides a comprehensive definition and analysis of capital structure, including the calculation of key ratios and the importance of capital structure for the financial stability and success of a company.

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Fundamentals of the capital structure

A company's capital structure consists of various components of equity and debt. This composition is shown on the liabilities side of the balance sheet and provides information on the ratio in which a company is financed by equity and debt. The equity ratio and the debt ratio are key indicators for assessing the financial situation and stability of a company.

Calculation of the capital structure

Various formulas and ratios are used to determine the capital structure:

  • Equity ratio = equity / total capital

  • Debt ratio = debt capital / total capital

Example: A company has equity capital of EUR 500,000 and debt capital of EUR 1,000,000. The total capital therefore amounts to 1,500,000 euros. The equity ratio is 33.3% and the debt ratio is 66.7%.

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Analysis of the capital structure

The balance sheet analysis plays an important role in assessing the capital structure. Key figures such as the gearing ratio, the equity ratio and the debt intensity provide information about a company's financial stability and dependence on outside capital. A high equity ratio indicates a high degree of independence and financial stability, while a high debt ratio indicates greater dependence on lenders and potential risks.

A more in-depth understanding of the capital structure requires an analysis of the asset structure on the assets side of the balance sheet. This includes an assessment of fixed assets and current assets as well as their financing through equity and debt. The composition of assets and the duration of asset commitment are decisive for the long-term stability and flexibility of a company.

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Influence of the capital structure on corporate decisions

The composition of the capital structure has a direct influence on important corporate decisions, including

  • Investment decisions: The availability of funds for investments depends heavily on the capital structure.

  • Risk management: A high proportion of borrowed capital increases the financial risk and indebtedness of a company.

  • Dividend policy: Companies with a high level of equity tend to be able to pay out higher dividends.

Optimization of the capital structure

Optimizing the capital structure is a continuous process that aims to improve a company's financial flexibility and stability. Strategies for adjusting the capital structure include repaying debt, increasing equity or optimizing working capital. Well-known financing rules such as the 1:1 rule, the 2:1 rule and the 3:1 rule help companies to achieve a balanced ratio of equity and debt.

Successful optimization of the capital structure requires a thorough determination and analysis of the existing financial situation. This includes assessing the return on equity and analyzing the cash flow. Companies must ensure that their capital structure meets their long-term strategic goals while minimizing the cost of capital.

Influence of the business model and company phase

The capital structure must be adapted to the business model and the phase of the company. Asset-heavy companies can raise debt capital more easily, while asset-light companies are often dependent on equity capital. Equity often dominates in the early phases of a company, while debt capital becomes more important in later phases.

Adjusting the capital structure is particularly important for companies in growth or transition phases. A flexible and adaptable capital structure enables companies to adjust quickly to changes in the market and economic situation. Companies should regularly review and adjust their capital structure to ensure that they are optimally positioned to meet future challenges and opportunities.

New approaches to risk analysis

Modern risk analyses use data-supported methods such as asset liability management to take into account daily bank, accounting and sales data. The leverage effect, in which a higher debt ratio can increase the return on equity, plays an important role here.

The integration of advanced financial analysis tools enables companies to monitor and adjust their capital structure in real time. This promotes a proactive financial strategy and improves decision-making. Companies can thus secure their financial stability and competitiveness in the long term.

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Case studies and best practices

A practical example of the importance of capital structure is the company Enron, whose high level of debt ultimately led to bankruptcy. Successful companies continuously optimize their capital structure to ensure financial flexibility and stability.

Best practices include regular reviews of the capital structure, adjustments to market changes and the use of financing rules to manage debt.


A balanced capital structure is crucial for the long-term financial stability and success of a company. It must be flexible, resilient and adapted to the specific needs and phases of the company. The analysis and optimization of the capital structure are central tasks of financial management and require an in-depth understanding of the relevant key figures and factors.

Well-structured and well-managed capital enables companies to achieve sustainable growth and compete successfully on the market.

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FAQ on the capital structure

1. what is the capital structure of a company?

A company's capital structure describes the composition of its total capital, consisting of equity and debt. This structure is shown on the liabilities side of the balance sheet and provides information on how the company is financed. A balanced capital structure is crucial for the financial stability and flexibility of a company.

2 Why is the capital structure important for companies?

The capital structure is important because it influences the financial stability and independence of a company. A high equity ratio improves creditworthiness and reduces dependence on lenders, while a high debt ratio can increase the return on equity through the leverage effect. Companies must therefore find an optimal balance in order to achieve their long-term goals.

3. which key figures are decisive for analyzing the capital structure?

Several key figures are important for analyzing the capital structure, including the equity ratio, the debt ratio and the gearing ratio. These ratios provide information about the financial health of the company and help to assess its dependence on external sources of capital. A regular review of these ratios is essential for financial management.

4 How can a company optimize its capital structure?

A company can optimize its capital structure by applying various strategies to adjust its equity and debt capital. These include repaying debt, increasing equity by issuing new shares or optimizing working capital. The aim is to minimize capital costs and maximize financial flexibility.

5 What role does the capital structure play in the financing of investments?

The capital structure plays a decisive role in the financing of investments. A balanced ratio of equity and debt capital enables companies to provide funds for new projects and expansions. A solid capital structure ensures that sufficient capital is available to finance planned investments while maintaining financial stability.

6. how does the capital structure affect the cost of capital?

The capital structure has a direct influence on a company's cost of capital. Equity capital is generally more expensive than debt capital, as it entails higher return requirements for investors. However, a higher proportion of debt capital increases debt and financial risk. A balanced ratio between equity and debt capital helps to optimize the cost of capital by leveraging the benefits of debt financing while hedging the risks with sufficient equity. Careful analysis and optimization of the capital structure can therefore help to reduce the overall cost of capital and strengthen the company's financial stability.

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