For entrepreneurs and managers with over 100 employees
Make more informed decisions with the latest data

- Bringe Deine Daten auf einer einzigen, übersichtlichen Plattform zusammen und fokussiere Dich auf das Wesentliche.
- Spare Dir wertvolle Zeit durch eine automatisierte Datenerfassung und erhöhe die Genauigkeit Deiner Daten.
- Gewinne Vertrauen durch präzise Datenanalysen und klare Einblicke, um fundierte Entscheidungen schnell zu treffen.
No more 100 Excel lists and endless reports!
No more time-consuming and manual data entry!
No more uncertainty in the decision-making process!
Your advantages
Für fundierte und
zu Daten
Umfassende Daten
aus verschiedenen
Komplexe Planungen werden vereinfacht
Cashflow-Analyse …
grafisch dargestellt
leichtes Verständnis.
Kurzfristiger ROI und starke Akzeptanz
Dank vorgefertigter
Elemente und
perfektem Design.
Effizientes Arbeiten und Vertrauen
Durch hohe
und Updatefähigkeit.
Flexibilität trifft auf Individualität
Analyse steuerungs-
relevanter Daten.
Transformation selbst gestalten
erweiterbar, ohne
What entrepreneurs and managers achieve with TD Trusted Decisions
100% consistent reporting and 360° customer view according to ERP system integration.
- Problem identified: "After upgrading our ERP system, problems arose because the databases were technically separated, resulting in incomplete historical data and inconsistent reporting."
- Solution implemented: "We solved this problem by standardizing our reporting and analysis systems with the BI tool Qlik Sense, accompanied by workshops from TD Trusted Decisions. This allowed us to integrate historical data with current systems and synchronize everything with the production ERP."
- Advantages realized: "The result is enormous. The manual effort involved in merging data has been eliminated, we now have a trustworthy database, a uniform 360° customer view across all areas of the company and enable all users to access up-to-date, consistent data."
The Corporate Planner planning tool increases our efficiency by 50% and guarantees the highest data quality.
- Problem identified: "We were faced with the problem that the creation of our annual business plan was both complex and time-consuming due to the large number of departments, different locations and inconsistent data formats."
- implemented a solution: "To solve this problem, we worked with the consulting firm TD Trusted Decisions developed the software tool Corporate Planner implemented. This solution offers us a simplified, web-based planning experience that is supported by workflows and real-time overviews, all backed up by a robust authorization system."
- advantages: "The results speak for themselves: we have realized a significant increase in efficiency in the preparation of plans, which Data quality has improved, and both our employees and our The executives are also very satisfied due to the user-friendly software and the reliable scenario planning."
Make better decisions in your company now by an increased quality of your data.
How does a collaboration with TD work?
With us, you use your data in a targeted way to make clear, effective decisions and increase your success.
Wir führen ein kostenloses Erstgespräch, um festzustellen, wie wir Dich und Dein Unternehmen unterstützen können.
Mithilfe unseres K-i-E®-Workshops erstellen wir gemeinsam eine Ist-Potenzial-Analyse und bestimmen die Soll-Definition. Du erhältst dazu ein Handout.
Gemeinsam definieren wir die Datenquellen, analysieren diese und Eure Prozesse. Wir legen fest, wie Dein personalisiertes Dashboard aussehen soll.
Nachdem wir die passende Lösung für Dich und das Unternehmen identifiziert haben, übernehmen wir die Implementierung der IT-Software.
Insights at a click.
Visualize your progress: An intuitive dashboard allows you to easily create time series analyses and various scenarios.
explore. You have a direct overview of all key performance indicators (KPIs) and gain deep insights into your structures.
Take a look at our CP-Finance Dashboard and discover what's possible.
Ready for your visualized data?
Real feedback from those who know best: Our customers.
Ute Neuenschwander
Manager Planning and Reporting,
BASF Catalysts Germany GmbH
The cooperation with the consultants was excellent. The fact that we got on so well meant that we were always able to make wonderful progress. The team was incredibly productive. That's a great benefit when the chemistry is right.
DI (FH) Robert Horvath, MBA
Hödlmayr International AG
The cooperation with a young, dynamic and committed team has saved a lot of internal resources and led to a fast operational activation of the applications.