Qlik Data Integration Platform

Make analytics-ready data available in real time in the cloud with modern DataOps for Analytics from Qlik (Attunity).

DataOps for Analytics

Modern data integration that provides analytics-ready, actionable, real-time data for any analytics environment, whether Qlik, Tableau, PowerBI or others.

If you want to take on a leadership role in the digital age, you need to give all employees easy access to up-to-date and reliable data. With the DataOps concept, data can be analyzed and made available even faster. Automated streaming (CDC), refining, cataloging and publishing provide you with analysis-ready data in real time in the cloud of your choice.

Learn more about data integration with Qlik

Real-time data streaming (CDC)
Provide enterprise data as live streams and enable modern analytics and microservices with a simple, universal real-time solution.

Agile data warehouse automation
Develop, create, implement and manage customized data warehouses without manual programming effort.

Creating data lakes
Automate complex data entry and conversion processes and ensure that your data lakes are always up-to-date and ready for analysis.

Echtzeit-Streamingdaten bereitstellen

Mit einer einfachen, universellen Lösung machen Sie Unternehmensdaten auch in Live-Streams verfügbar.

Mit der Data Integration Platform von Qlik lassen sich große Mengen analysebereiter Echtzeitdaten effizient an Streaming- und Cloud-Plattformen, Data Warehouses und Data Lakes verteilen. Das agentenlose, protokollbasierte Change-Data-Capture-Konzept sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Daten stets aktuell sind, ohne die Quellsysteme zu belasten.

Enabling the agile data warehouse

Fast development, deployment and control without programming

Qlik's Data Integration Platform automates the entire data warehouse lifecycle and delivers analytics-ready data faster. Data engineers are able to create data models, add further sources and provide new data marts. Data warehouse automation (DWA) ensures reliable results at every stage of the pipeline, from data modeling and real-time collection to data marts and governance.

Providing the agile data lake

Design, implementation and data management - fast and without programming effort

Qlik's Data Integration Platform for Managed Data Lakes automates the delivery of always up-to-date, accurate, trusted data sets for analysis. Data engineers can add new sources flexibly and quickly, ensuring reliable results at every stage of the pipeline, from real-time collection and preparation to delivery and governance.

Overview of the Qlik Data Integration Platform

Use Qlik Data Integration Platform for better analytics

Convenient SAP analyses

Qlik Replicate for SAP can provide SAP application data in real time for big data analysis.

Case study: BITMARCK

BITMARCK uses Qlik Replicate and Microsoft SQL Server to enable real-time business intelligence.

Data sheet for Qlik Catalog

Enable analytics with trustworthy, analysis-ready data