Software for investment controlling

Investments at a glance

Investment controllers must be able to view several scenarios at short notice in order to determine whether an investment will pay off. If this is the case, the question arises: buy or lease? With Corporate Planner OC, you have an overview of all investments from GWG to major investments.

Investieren Sie nachhaltig.

Corporate Planner OC ist die Lösung, die Sie auf Best-Case- und Worst-Case-Szenarios vorbereitet. In der Software stellen Sie alle Besonderheiten Ihrer Investitionen dar und integrieren das Investitionsmanagement automatisch in Ihre Finanzplanung. In kürzester Zeit  erörtern Sie mehrere Szenarien. Final beurteilen Sie, welche Investitionen sich lohnen und ob das Unternehmen die Investition realisieren kann.

Credit management with Corporate Planner OC.

In Corporate Planner OC, you can easily create medium-term and long-term loans. You enter the repayment type and repayment steps once, after which the system calculates the interest and the payment amount. You gain security for planning your liquidity. The items for the budgeted balance sheet, budgeted income statement and budgeted cash flow are created with the help of the seamless connection to integrated financial planning. In Corporate Planner OC, you also manage extensive credit relationships within a group.

Reporting for better decision-making.

Corporate Planner OC for investment controlling gives you an overview of your investments and loans. The software solution supports you in planning for individual companies as well as for entire groups. You get a clear overview of when an investment will be depreciated in the future and whether a replacement investment should be considered. They quickly and rhythmically prepare all the necessary documents for decision-makers, supervisory boards, committees or the annual financial statements.

Combining investment controlling and financial controlling

The Corporate Planner OC and Corporate Planner Finance solutions work together in an integrated manner. If you wish, you can automatically transfer all data from investment management and planned loans to your integrated financial planning.

See for yourself.

Arrange a free presentation appointment with us.