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Research & Development

Yvonne Wicke | 21. May 2019

Unsere Forschungskooperation mit dem Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik – Information Engineering geht erfolgreich auf internationalem Weg weiter.

We bundle our expertise with a research focus on economic decision-making. The aim is to recognize gut decisions and make them visible and qualitatively measurable. With this research topic, we are opening global doors in South Korea, the USA and China.

Ein kurzer Rückblick nach Seoul

Back in December 2017, we presented an initial version of an IT prototype in the context of economic decision-making at the "Workshop for Information Technology and Systems", or WITS for short, in Seoul, South Korea. At the heart of the prototype implementation was the effort to recognize the gut decision and make it visible, as well as to measure the quality of a gut decision. The conference participants showed great interest in this topic and the feedback was correspondingly varied. We were able to gather feedback regarding the overall concept, the (software) prototype implementation and the possibility of utilization.

Weiterentwicklung des Prototyps

Inspired by this positive feedback and the new funding from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), we have continued the cooperation. Our plan was to conduct a quantitative study on intuitive decision-making. Of the 200 decision-makers who were asked to take part in the study, almost 120 supported us. This has led to an incredibly good response rate. Based on this qualitative data, the first prototype was transformed into a new, web-based prototype.

Von Südkorea nach Nordamerika

After completion of the prototype, TD Trusted Decisions, together with the Institute for Information Systems - Information Engineering at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, decided to submit the further progress of the research to a North American conference of the information systems discipline. The scientific discipline "Information Systems" is the Anglo-American counterpart to German-speaking business informatics. The potential of our topic was also recognized here and our contribution to this conference was accepted.

AMCIS 2018 – Das Forschungsthema wird in New Orleans diskutiert

Philipp_Wicke_AMCIS_2018The annual Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS: Americas Conference on Information Systems) is recognized as one of the leading conferences for presenting the broadest diversity of research by and for IS / IT academics. Each year, its papers and panel presentations are selected from over 700 submissions, and the AMCIS proceedings are in the permanent collections of libraries around the worldSo we are proud to announce that our paper is there! "Decision Engineering in Case of Intuitive Decisions" on16.08.2018 by Dr. David Rückel (JKU) and Philipp Wicke (TD).

Das Completed Research Full Paper mit Inhalt zur Methodik, Prototyp-Beschreibung und weiteren Informationen können Sie hier heruntergeladen:

PACIS 2019 – Der Erfolg führt uns nach China

Ongoing intensive research activities on the subject of decision-making and further studies are leading us across the Pacific, and we will be able to present our further research results at PACIS this year. The Pacific Asia Conference(PACIS 2019) will take place in Xi'an, China, following the successful PACIS series since 1993. PACIS is the premier international information systems (IS) conference and the only AIS-sponsored conference in the Pacific-Asia region. The main purpose of PACIS is to allow researchers and practitioners of regional and international information systems to meet in an annual forum that maximizes the opportunity for information exchange.In our next newsletter we will of course inform you about our presentation at PACIS 2019 and our new research findings.Dr. Barbara Krumay, Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch and Dr. David Rückel (JKU)

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